Canalendar of Events

This list is of June 2024.

Always check with the organization as the dates draw near.

Ongoing 2024D&R Canal Watch, The D&R Canal Watch has been working with state park staff and the commission to plan a number of celebratory events for 2024. Check the website for a the next event or program as part of this series.

October 18 – 20, 2024Canal Society of New York State, Fall Tour. The northern reaches of the Black River Canal. This tour will cover the river navigation section of the canal between Lyons Falls and Cartage.

October 19, 2024Pennsylvania Canal Society, Fall Caravan Tour of sites along the Wyoming Division Canal and the Lehigh Navigation in White Haven, PA.

Fall, 2024Canal Society of Ohio, Fall tour – Exploring the canals of Southwest Ohio. Cancelled.

Fall, 2025Canal Society of Ohio, Fall tour – A Return to the National Road in the St. Clairsville area to the Ohio River. Details TBA.

April 5, 2025Schuylkill Bicentennial Committee, rail tour of canal sites along the upper Schuylkill navigation. This is part of a series of events to commemorate the 200th anniversary.

September 21-25, 2025, The World Canals Conference will be held in Buffalo, NY. The host hotel is the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The theme of the conference is Sustaining Our Multidimensional Inland Waterways.

One thought on “Canalendar of Events”

  1. Hi
    I found your schedule while searching for the world Canal conference 2025. Helpful to find all these things in one place. VC and NS recently celebrated the 87 years of Bill trout’s productive life. I am encouraging him to attend world canal conference 2025.

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